10 apr. 2013

Thatcher Vs Acid House

BASSLINE. Margaret Thatcher died this monday, aged 87. I guess that it will be a long time before her legacy is sorted out in the UK. A lot of people hated her, and I guess a lot of people must have liked her – in the 80s at least – since she was reelected as PM three times.
Love her or hate her, at least one thing is certain, she left no stone unturned and didn't back away from political fights.
Thatcher was in no way a fan of the two past-times that have formed the identity of a lot of the 80's children – in the UK as well as here in Sweden – namely electronic music and football. So of course she took the fight to these areas as well.
Vice has a good piece about Thatchers fight against acid house that you ought to read. It's beautifully illustrated with pictures by Gavin Watson.
I remember reading that her all time favorite tune was "how much is that doggie in the window" and well, I guess with that as the soundtrack of your life the electronic music revolution might have sounded a little rough.
Luckily enough she didn't win all her fights. Music and culture will always thrive, under even the harshest conditions.

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